Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Vision and Eye Correction Techniques

Do you have a 20/20 vision? A person sees at 20 feet what a person with normal vision sees at 20 feet. Well finding out if you have a perfect vision is now a computerized procedure. Light is reflected off objects which travel through the lens in our eye and is focused upon the retina at the back of the eye. This sends the messages as signal to the brain via the optic nerve. Errors occur in our eyes. These are mostly due to imperfections in the cornea, lens, retina or shape of the eyeball. Refractive errors are Myopia or nearsightedness, Hyperopia or farsightedness, Astigmatism and Presbyopia or aging eye. As a remedial measure we have glasses, contact lenses and laser eye surgery to reduce the refractive errors that prevent the proper focusing of rays on the retina. Surgery Those who are undertaking corrective eye surgery should have realistic expectations. Is it necessary to undergo surgery? Whether it is Lasik eye surgery or eyelid plastic surgery understanding the risks and complication of the procedure is the most important Laser Eye correction surgery is a recent advancement which is intended to minimize dependency on glasses or contact lenses. LASIK- Laser in situ Keratomileusis permanently changes the shape of the cornea and is used effectively to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Adverts may promise you a lot. Get to know what are the risks and advantages before going for this surgery. A surgical knife is used to cut the flap in the other cornea. The middle layer of the cornea called stroma is vapourized according to the treatment requirement by the laser. The removal of tissue changes the shape of the cornea reducing refractive errors. The advantages of LASIK is that the laser does it work in less than a minute on each eye and post operative pain and discomfort is less. The risks have been either over or under treatment. Development of glare, halos, star bursts, difficulty in dim lighting and even permanent loss of vision. PRK- Photo-Refractive Keratectomy is another choice where the outer surface of the cornea is shaped using a computer controlled ultraviolet beam of light. It does not involve cutting of the outer corneal layer. LTK- Laser Thermal Keratoplasty is a less invasive laser procedure that involves zapping 16 spots on the outer part of the cornea to shrink the tissue. The disadvantage is that the treatment is temporary and is not perfected to permanently remove the errors in sight. It is advantageous as it is a no-touch procedure so lesser risk of infection. Contact Lenses If you want to upgrade to a contact lens for comfort and convenience meet your eye care practitioner and discuss the innovations and choices so that you minimize the risks that come with the choice of your contact lens. Contact lenses are made in different types of plastic and the choices of buying contact lenses are innumerable. You have daily wear, overnight lenses or extended wear; the other options are disposables, frequent- or planned-replacements, bifocals, and UV-blocking contacts. These can also be got as clear, tinted, opaque, spherical and rounded lenses. These materials are either soft or rigid and gas permeable. If contacts are working for you and you are comfortable and have no allergies then do not look for any more options. Soft contacts have 20 to 80 percent water and are easier to adjust than hard lenses. Get to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of the choice of contact lens before deciding on hard or soft contact lens for your eyes. Latest innovations are daily disposables, bi-focals and toric contacts for astigmatism. Most serious safety concerns are those who wear hard extended wear contact lenses that can cause corneal ulcers and even loss of sight due to wearing it continuously.
Healthy eyes depend on a variety of factors. A few of the main ones that help are, Eat a balanced diet, Wear sunglasses that block ultraviolet light Go for regular eye examination ( once every two years)
Author Eyecarebasics discusses about corrective measures for defects of the eye through articles like Lasik Eye Surgery , Corrective Eye Surgery etc. Other articles include eyelid plastic surgery etc. Your eyes need care. So please take care of it. rossie noah

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